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About Us 公司簡介


本公司前身為旭億企業社,為擴大服務需要於民國80年(1991年)改組為旭鈺有限公司, 早期主要以IC打線代工封裝為主(C.O.B. Chip On Board), 於80年改組後增加電路設計與模組.

(Module)買賣業務,秉承十余年的經驗與專業素養,相信一定能達成您的需求與期望 歡迎有 需求的國內外大小廠商與本公司聯絡 .
燈具以專利技術運用數位科技, 以 RGB 紅綠藍三色高亮度 LED 混色,配合各型控制器可發揮出最燦爛的顏色變化,包括高亮度、色度、飽合度... 等。

全系列燈具可配合專用教導器、軟體、控制器或 DMX512 控制器軟體可變幻出各色漸層流動、閃光及變動色彩暈光...... 等,可自行設計所需變化,發揮創造力及想像力,開創新時代彩色的LED燈光世界。

This company is preceded by Syu Yi Enterprises. Our company went through reorganization to expand our services, and was formally changed to Hsuyu LED Company Ltd in 1991.

We started with business focusing on IC COB(Chip On Board), with the additions of Electric Wiring Design and Module purchase and sales business after being reorganized during the 1990’s.

We had well over dozens of years experiences and professionalism in what we do, and with our track records, we believe we can meet your needs and expectations. Size and magnitude of your company do not matter, you are always welcome to contact us.

Lamp instrumentations are developed under patented digital technologies. The LED mixed colors originating from three highly illuminating brightness in red, green and blue colors of RGB, coupling with various controlling devices, can generate the most brilliant and dazzling color variations. These are consisted of high illumination, color and richness, etc.

Complete series of lamping devices can work in conjunction with specialized guiding and teaching device, software, controlling device or DMX512. Through the controlling device software, it can generate variations in layered fluid coloring, flashing and color-changing halos or dizziness, etc. It is user friendly and the needed variations can be self-designed, realizing the innovation and imaginativeness, pioneering a new age in the world of color LED lighting.

Copyright © 2005-2015 HSUYU LED CO., LTD. 陳陽國際設計維護